With a new year, we vow to eat better, exercise more and
obtain our dream job. For many of us, somewhere around mid-February, we abandon
our yoga class for another Netflix marathon, give up fruits and vegetables for
chocolate and ice cream and forgo plans to find a better job.

Resolutions are great, but many of us need an extra incentive to stay on track.
That’s why I choose to create a vision board to visually represent my personal
and professional goals. It’s the simplest way to capture your vision and
strategy at a glance.

Where to begin?

Instead of going digital, find a large board, something that
will catch your attention. Post it notes on a wall or window will also do the
trick. Whatever you choose to use, keep it handy and in a location where you
will see it every day because visualization is a powerful mind tool.

How to Start

1.   Write down the scope of your vision board. Although,
computers are great for storing documents, handwriting your goals help you
embrace and retain them. Consider this to be a long term exercise, such as
writing down your goals for the next five years. These goals should focus on
what you want and what you want to improve upon.

2.   Determine who you want to become or be
known/recognized for. Example: I want to be a manager who empowers people to
take action and challenge their abilities. 

3. Consider up to 5 main categories you want to focus
on. These categories will help you establish your goal statement. Example: Categories
could be self-development, education, photography, managing a team, developing
a new business or business unit, or creating a new product or service. Write
them across your vision board. Think about how you want your week to be and
activities that fall under your five categories. To stay on track assign them a
priority number and a day of the week to achieve them.

4. Continue writing down what you need to do
in that specific category. For instance, creating a monthly podcast, writing a
gratitude journal, taking an online course, or searching for new clients. To
effectively do this, consider using a tree diagram to break down each major
headline into tasks. Mind mapping is also a great tool that requires writing
the subject title in the center of a page, drawing a circle around it, and drawing
lines out from this circle to connect with the subheading, and so on. If you
prefer, use stickers, post-it notes or images to visually represent your
categories and tasks for inspiration. Everything needs to connect for
everything to make sense and achievable. Avoid random tasks that don’t relate
to your main goal. Branch out no further than three levels of detail on your
board, or too much detail will be difficult to visualize.
